Clock Punching Beacons

Replicon, a leader in cloud-based time tracking software recently announced it will begin support Apple’s iBeacon by end of year, 2014. The new system promises to eliminate long lines at the clocks, allow smoother shift changes and, prevent travel time abuse and missed punches – saving customers’ time and money while ensuring employees are paid for the exact hours worked
Though it’s been many years I remember well being “shorted” on my time because I forgot to punch in when arrived at work – a local grocery store. A beacon based solution removes those types of inaccuracies in the system. With this new system employee’s download and install the app and the clock becomes a thing of the past. The application is activated by beacons strategically set up at entry and exit points and automatically sends timestamp data to a database for accurate check-in times – down to the second. The same thing happens when an employee steps out for a break, or lunch, checking them in and out as they pass the beacon.
This could be taken a step further by adding a simple VOIP implementation facilitating communication with employees – no need for an announcement over the PA and no need to buy and carry radios. A large facility might benefit by further extending such a system with additional beacons allowing for the locating and re-positioning of personal to maximize their effectiveness.
If we stop to think about such a system is essentially a “customer” rewards program that rewards based on presence – the longer you stay and the more often you come the more rewards you earn. That is one of the great strengths of Geo-fencing and indoor positioning systems (IPS) – we can take virtually the same configuration and apply it to a completely different problem. The applications are almost unlimited – very exciting technology.